Sunday, March 27, 2022

Smoke Level indicator using Arduino


About the Project

In this project, we will create a smoke detector using Arduino. The detector will detect the smoke and will notify the user through the buzzer and red LED if the smoke density is above the safety limit.

Gas Sensor

When we apply bias to the sensor, it takes some time for the sensor to warm, after that the electrochemical sensor detects specific Gas and varies the current flow through the sensor. Hence we get analog output ranges depends on Gas concentration.

It has 6 pins in all.The centre has two pins which are called the H pins (Heater pins).The other pins up and down pairs are known as A and B pins. Both pins are connected with separate sensors.

Both A pins are connected to the +5 DC voltage, both B pins are connected to the Analog Output pins of the Arduino and one H pin to the ground while another H pin to +5 DC voltage. We can vary the sensitivity of the sensor by connecting a resistor between ground and a B pin. So we can control the sensitivity of the detector by changing the resistance

Circuit Diagram


1.) Arrange the components as per the given circuit diagram

2.) Write the appropriate code for the requisite applications.

3.) Upload your code in the Arduino.

4.) Now simulate your circuit.


  • You may use other types of sensors
  • You can replace the two LEDs by an RGB LED.
  • Try to modify your code using functions.
Arduino Code: Click Here




battery level indicator using Arduino


Circuits Diagram : Here Click

BOM : Here Click

ARDUINO Code : Here Click

Batteries come with a certain voltage limit and if the voltage goes beyond the prescribed limits while charging or discharging, the life of the battery get affected or reduced. Whenever we use a battery powered project, sometimes we need to check the battery voltage level, whether it is needed to be charged or replaced. This circuit will help you to monitor the voltage of your battery. This Arduino battery voltage indicator indicates the status of the battery by glowing LEDs on a 10 Segment LED Bar Graph according to the battery voltage. It also shows your battery voltage on the LCD connected to the Arduino.

Material Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • LCD (16*2)
  • Battery (to be tested)
  • Connecting wires
  • 12v adapter for Arduino

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