Sunday, March 27, 2022

battery level indicator using Arduino


Circuits Diagram : Here Click

BOM : Here Click

ARDUINO Code : Here Click

Batteries come with a certain voltage limit and if the voltage goes beyond the prescribed limits while charging or discharging, the life of the battery get affected or reduced. Whenever we use a battery powered project, sometimes we need to check the battery voltage level, whether it is needed to be charged or replaced. This circuit will help you to monitor the voltage of your battery. This Arduino battery voltage indicator indicates the status of the battery by glowing LEDs on a 10 Segment LED Bar Graph according to the battery voltage. It also shows your battery voltage on the LCD connected to the Arduino.

Material Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • LCD (16*2)
  • Battery (to be tested)
  • Connecting wires
  • 12v adapter for Arduino

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